Home & School
Our Home & School Association is a collective of the caregivers of our Houghton Valley School tamariki. Everyone who is part of the HVS community is part of Home & School.
The regular Home and School meetings help cement the relationship between our kura and the community. Meetings are productive but it’s not all process and minutes – we guarantee fun, kai and kōrero!
We have three main goals:
Creating a sense of community in the school
Helping forge and maintain links between the principal, teaching staff and the parents.
We do these things in a variety of ways, organising school events such as picnics and discos, fundraising activities such as the annual HVS fair, and having school board and staff members attend our meetings. There’s always room for improvement and ideas, so come along and be part of the community.
The meetings are usually held during the term, with the dates listed on the school newsletters and the website calendar. Come join us!
If you have any questions please get in touch: homeandschoolsecretary@houghton.school.nz
Houghton Valley School Home and School Association is a Registered Charity (CC38525).
Me te mahi tātou mo te oranga o te katoa. Let’s work together for the wellbeing of everyone.
Flic, and her partner Lee, joined the HVS community back in 2014 when their eldest of three children started in Ngaio. Their youngest, Amaia, is in year 4. Flic has a background in education, is a former member of Houghton Valley Playcentre, and is a serial volunteer. She loves the sense of belonging in the school community and there’s not much she likes more than chatting with others at pick up time.
At the HVS Fair, you can often spot Flic scurrying around the Food and Waste stalls with a trusty roll of duct tape, and Lee used to be on Spiders and now hides behind the PA running the Entertainment Stage.
Ronja, and her partner Caspian, moved to the Valley in 2018 when their eldest son started school. He has now moved onto SWIS and their youngest Bo is in Year 4 at Houghton Valley School. Ronja works in the not-for-profit sector and her passion for connections, belonging and care means that you see her out and about in the community often (and with their dog Rocket and some baking in tow). She spent her early years of parenthood with their children at playcentre in Island Bay and Houghton Valley, followed by many hours on the football pitch, at waste stations, German school, and community fundraisers. Ronja raises her children bilingual as a gateway to her own culture, and hopes that her learning of te reo and tikanga Māori will help her and whānau grow into good treaty partners.
Ian is the father of Wynne, who has attended HVS since turning five in 2020. He is British-born, a Kiwi citizen, and feels extremely lucky to live here on Wellington's beautiful South Coast and amongst its wonderful neighbourhood communities. Despite a solid career in Information Technology, he has proven to be poorly skilled at fixing his family's printers and devices. You may spot him running in the local hills and doing the school run with Wynne on his ebike.
Luke, Megan, Louis (HVS) and Charlie (three years old and wishes he was at HVS now) have lived at the end of Buckley Road for 10 years.
For hobbies Luke juggles trying to stay fit against the pull of the couch and any football he can watch. Whilst he loves getting out on his bike(s), if the counter-factual involves Arsenal, the couch always wins.
He has worked in electricity and sustainability for most of his career and loves a conversation on any of the aforementioned topics!
Photos of the Home and School-run HVS Fair 2022